Moslem Fashion is not only for woman
Speaking Muslim clothing, not far from the affairs abaya, tunik, or jilbab. In fact, clothing belonging to Muslims is not the only Muslim. Clothing Muslim men are following the growing trend.
Like the men's clothing line of contemporary, stylish clothes Muslim men also evolved. Now, not only the clothes koko are known and used in public on Friday. Muslim men are often use the style of clothes brackets Middle East as a "uniform" at the Friday prayers.
The designers also see a sharp chance that there is. They also crowd-berbondong use special clothing Muslim men. So, not surprising now found more and more model variants, discounts, and the design of clothing Muslim men. See the collections presented by the fashion house Shafira Muslims. Fenny Mustafa, the designer, tried to give a more ethnic approach to the design.
This, said Fenny, conducted in line with the theme to take the big trends in 2008, namely "Eclectic Wave." According Fenny, the collection is the wealth of culture and tradition Ranah Minang. "People are very religious Minangkabau and rich culture," he said. Thick ethnic nuance seen mainly from the collections prianya clothing.
Do not expect to see more koko shirt with white embroidery decorations simple. Fenny shirt collection is the brackets, koko shirt with embroidery and accents Sulam in contemporary style.
Combination, loose-fitting pants or sarong. The color is no longer white, rows of red palette as aggressive, dark purple, and gold embellish collection. Occasionally accompany ethnic scarf pattern design.
"Colors that I use the gold exploit nuance and spicy Minang characteristic color," explained. Another touch that makes the collection alumnus School of Social Welfare (STKS) Bandung this game interesting is the style that combines the motif songkets and Sulam sungkit, either in the form of embroidery and application payet.
Formation similar to the series of Muslim men's clothes shown Jenny Tjahyawati. Relying cotton clothes that are suitable for day-to-day, Jenny provides a more casual collection. Clothing prianya actually have a basic formation as koko clothes, but with a more modern modifications. Alternative style clothing are also Muslim, Jenny through the design style of Middle Eastern men kaftan.
In-gray color of cold, Jenny displaying the image of Muslim men's casual urban. To mempercerah design, Jenny uses purple, red, and the motives of ethnic inserted as a detail. Meanwhile, for the design, designers berkacamata choose this simple, but have a strong masculine image of the game through the color and patterns.
Men Moslem Fashion who are also more contemporary designers senior Samuel Wattimena. But, as Samuel other designs, the collection he hadirkan also thick with the feel of the ethnic Indonesia. Samuel says, is a collection of fabric mixing traditional and modern materials with a diperkaya game Sulam.
The designer recently following the weekend mode Dubai, Itang Yunasz would choose a larger market with stray clothing for Muslim men to lower middle class. Under the label Preview, Itang introduce koko shirt style modis, but affordable. Not to stop there, Itang also continue to expand the segment with lininya clothing Muslim children aged 4-12 years.
Not dinyana, Itang Dilirik collection of many people. Not only because the collection is used by the famous Ustad Jeffery Al Buchori, but also because of the simple design and easy-padankan combined. As for production, Itang issued only three new items every week or 12 new items per month.
12.28 | | 0 Comments
Anggun style hooded Pashmina
Busana Muslims never able to hide the beauty of a woman. Clothing Muslims would emphasize the beauty, tenderness, kesalihan, and charm women.
Currently available in the market have different model Muslim clothing, from the model gamis, the blouse and trousers which combined with the veil. The form of veil also varies, there must first be formed and ready to use IM or practical. Up with a variety of complementary accessories such as scarf, scarf, bandana, and pashmina.
Pashmina is one of the hooded style variants that can use all kinds of veil and pelengkapnya with infinite creativity. Discover one of the 30 display style veil pashmina the most appropriate style of clothing for Muslims in this book. The steps that the technique will be easier for you mempraktikkannya own.
06.00 | | 0 Comments